NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, Stony Brook University and the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI), 2022-2024 (anticipated)
Ph.D. in Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, Brown University, 2022 (anticipated). Advisers: Drs. John F. Mustard and Carlé M. Pieters
M.S. in Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, Brown University 2019
M.S. in Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University 2017
B.S. in Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, with honors and distinction, minor in History, 2015
Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology, 2020
Sigma Xi, 2020
LPI Career Development Award, 2020
Tisch Foundation Fellowship, Brown University, 2018
Chancellor Tisch Fellowship, Brown University, 2017
Certificate for Outstanding Mentoring, Stanford University, 2016
Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University, 2015
Stanford Deans’ Award for Academic Achievement (9 in class of ~1700), 2015
Stanford School of Earth Sciences Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Academic Achievement, 2015
Stanford Department of Geological Sciences Outstanding Senior Award, 2015
AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship, 2015
Stanford President’s Award for Academic Excellence (98th percentile of class), 2012
Manuscripts In Preparation
C.H. Kremer, J.F. Mustard, C.M. Pieters. In Prep. Mg-Fe compositional determination of pyroxene using infrared spectra in the 4-8 µm wavelength range.
C.H. Kremer and others. In Prep. Temperature and particle size effects on infrared spectra in the 4-8 µm wavelength range.
C.H. Kremer, M.S. Bramble, J.F. Mustard. In Prep. Lithologically Diverse Yardangs in the Circum-Isidis Region: Implications for Yardang Evolution Controls.
Manuscripts in Review
Z.F.M. Burton, T. McHargue, T. Kukla, C.H. Kremer, R.B. Bloch, J.T. Gooley, C. Jaikla, J. Harrington, S.A. Graham. In Review. Globally widespread deep-water turbidites during the early Eocene hothouse highstand.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
C.H. Kremer, J.F. Mustard, C.M. Pieters. Cross-over infrared spectroscopy: A new tool for the remote determination of olivine composition. Geophysical Research Letters 47,
J.D. Tarnas, J.F. Mustard, H. Lin, T.A. Goudge. E.S. Amador-French, M.S. Bramble, C.H. Kremer, X. Zhang, Y. Itoh, and M. Parente. 2019. Constraining the origin of hydrated silica in Jezero crater, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 12771-12782.
C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, and M. S. Bramble. 2019. A widespread olivine-rich ash deposit on Mars. Geology. (Research Highlight in Nature)
A. C. Pascuzzo, J. F. Mustard, C. H. Kremer, and E. Ebinger. 2019. The formation of irregular polygonal ridge networks, Nili Fossae, Mars: Implications for extensive subsurface channelized fluid flow in the Noachian. Icarus 319, 852-868.
C. H. Kremer, T. R. McHargue , L. Scheucher, and S. A. Graham. 2018. Transversely-sourced mass-transport deposits and stratigraphic evolution of a foreland submarine channel system: Deep-water Tertiary strata of the Austrian Molasse Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 92, 1-19.
C. H. Kremer and D. K. Bird, 2018, Fluid origin and evolution of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization in rhyolite breccias in the Lón area, southeastern Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 349, 177-191.
Selected Conference Proceedings
*C.H. Kremer, J.F. Mustard, C.M. Pieters, B.T. Greenhagen, K.L. Donaldson Hanna. 2021. Detecting Olivine Composition in Troctolitic Mixtures in the "Cross-Over" Infrared Range (4-8 µm). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference LII, abstract 2191. (abstract)
C.H. Kremer, J.F. Mustard, C.M. Pieters, J.J. Gillis-Davis, K.L. Donaldson Hanna. 2021. Olivine and Plagioclase Largely Unaffected by Lunar-Like Space Weathering in the "Cross-Over" Region. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference LII, abstract 2200. (abstract)
C.H. Kremer, B.A. Anzures, J.F. Mustard, C.M. Pieters. 2021. Cross-Over (4-8 µm) Infrared Spectroscopy as a Tool to Identify Olivine and Determine Mg# on Mercury’s Surface, Mercury Exploration Assessment Group, abstract 6038. (program, poster)
*C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, and C. M. Pieters. 2019. Discrete spectral absorption bands in 4-8 um infrared region: New tool for remote compositional assessment of olivine Fe content. NASA Exploration Science Forum, NESF2019-042. (abstract, talk)
*C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, M. S. Bramble. 2019. Lithologically diverse yardangs in the circum-Isidis region: Implications for yardang evolution controls and in situ study at the Mars 2020 landing site. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference L, abstract 1639. (abstract)
*C. H. Kremer, M. S. Bramble, and J. F. Mustard. 2018. A hemispherically integrated sedimentary geological system at Nili Fossae, Mars. GSA Annual Meeting, paper 15–11, abstract 323706, doi:10.1130/abs/2018AM-323706. (abstract)
*C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, and M. S. Bramble. 2018. A widespread ultramafic sandstone on Mars. GSA Annual Meeting, paper 15–3, abstract 320588, doi:10.1130/abs/2018AM-320588. (abstract)
*C. H. Kremer, JF Mustard, and MS Bramble. 2018. Possible clastic origin for olivine-rich rocks in the Nili Fossae region: Implications for NE Syrtis, Midway, and Jezero landing site science. 4th landing site workshop for the 2020 Mars rover mission. (talk)
C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, M. S. Bramble. 2018. Origin and emplacement of the Circum-Isidis Olivine-Rich Unit. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLIX, abstract 1545. (abstract)
C. H. Kremer and D. K. Bird, 2015. Sulfide mineralization in the Lon district, Southeastern Iceland, Goldschmidt Annual Meeting.
(*indicates talks)
Invited Talks
C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, and M. S. Bramble. 2018. A widespread ultramafic ash on Mars. CoRE Center Seminar, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.
C. H. Kremer, J. F. Mustard, and M. S. Bramble. 2018. A widespread ultramafic sandstone on Mars. Sedimentary Research Group Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
C. H. Kremer, T. R. McHargue , L. Scheucher, and SA Graham. 2017. Hydrocarbon reservoir opportunities in large channelized mass-transport complexes. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company.
Other Research Talks
C. B. Hundal, J.F. Mustard, J.D. Tarnas, C.H. Kremer. 2021. Comparing the Jezero Floor Unit and the Circum-Isidis Mafic Cap: Morphology, Stratigraphy, and Composition. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference LII, abstract 2475. (abstract)
J. F. Mustard, M. S. Bramble, C. H. Kremer, and A. C. Pascuzzo. 2018. Outstanding Mars and Planetary Science Questions from Returned Samples Collected from NE Syrtis, Midway and/or Jezero Delta. 4th landing site workshop for the 2020 Mars rover mission. (talk).
M. S. Bramble, J. F. Mustard, and C. H. Kremer. 2018. Geological Continuity Between the Midway and NE Syrtis Candidate Landing Sites for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission. 4th landing site workshop for the 2020 Mars rover mission. (talk).
Curriculum Development Grant, Judith H. Zern 1964 Endowed Teaching Fund, Brown University, 2019
GSA Graduate Student Research Grant, 2019
Mel Lane Grant Award, Stanford University, 2017
McGee and Levorsen Research Grant, Stanford University, 2016
Shell Fund Grant, Stanford University, 2015
Course Co-Designer, GEOL 0050: Mars, Moon and the Earth, Brown University, 2018-2019
Head Teaching Assistant, GEOL 0050: Mars, Moon and the Earth, Brown University, 2018
Head Teaching Assistant, GS 55Q: The California Gold Rush, Stanford University, 2016
Course Assistant, GS 55Q: The California Gold Rush, Stanford University, 2014, 2015
Invited Public Talks and Outreach
Planetarium Show in Development, Science Consultant, California Academy of Sciences, 2018-2021
“Exploring the Red Planet”, Brown University Club in New York, 2019 (web)
”The ETF Space Race”, Guest Contributor, Bloomberg, 2019 (audio)
”Astronomy Live: Mars 2020'“, Co-Presenter, American Museum of Natural History, 2019 (web)
Press Coverage
“This Mineral Could Unlock More Moon and Mars Secrets”, Forbes, 2020/11/04 (web)
”Infrared Spectroscopy Technique Puts Olivine in Focus”, Photonics, 2020/11/10 (web)
”New remote sensing technique could bring key planetary mineral into focus”, News from Brown, Brown University, 2020/11/02 (web)
“Socially Distant Measurements of Olivine Compositions on Planetary Surfaces”, Planetary News, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2020/10/13 (web)
”Planétologie : des cendres volcaniques ont été retrouvées sur Mars”, by Benoît Rey, Science & Vie, No. 1223, 2019/07/26 (web)
“Mysterious Martian formation traced to volcanic explosion", Research Highlight in Nature, vol. 570, No. 7759, 2019/06/06 (web)
”Strange Martian mineral deposit likely sourced from volcanic explosions”, News from Brown, Brown University, 2019/05/22 (web)
“Haikus About Space/Make Science Less Tedious/So Hope Scientists,” by Daniela Hernandez, Wall Street Journal (front page), 2019/03/25 (web)
Professional Service
Peer Reviewer for Icarus, Journal of the Geological Society, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Executive Secretary, NASA Review Panel, 2019, 2021
Co-Organizer, Mars Visualization Workshop, American Museum of Natural History-Brown University, 2018
Contributor, MICA Files (introductory CRISM user’s guide), in collaboration with JHU-APL, 2018 (web)
Map Data Archives Assistant, Branner Earth Sciences Library, Stanford University, 2016
Industrial Experience
Geoscience Intern, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Houston, TX, 2017
Hydrocarbon Resource Plays, Exxon Mobil/Stanford University, 2016
Bighorn Basin Field School, Exxon Mobil, 2016
Vice-President, AAPG Student Chapter, Stanford University 2015-2016
Research Intern, Rohol Aufsuchungs-Aktiengesellschaft (RAG), Austria, 2015
Deep-Water Depositional Concepts, Royal Dutch Shell, 2015
Other Experience
Wikipedia Contributor, 2007-Present
Egg Salesman, Sed Farm Free-Range Chicken Eggs, Palo Alto, CA, 2016-2017
German-English Translator, Teddy-Hermann GmbH, Bamberg, Germany, 2011
English (native), German (advanced), Latin (intermediate), Mandarin (basic)